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An image of Sign Hill in South San Francisco taken from a low angle. The lettering reads: SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO INDUSTRIAL CITY. The sky is gloomy grey and the lettering partially covered by trees.


Rise South City aims to create a new center of gravity in the climate movement by uniting frontline communities, allies, and organizations toward resilient, regenerative, and equitable neighborhoods.

​Our Commitment

Rise South City is focused on:

  • clean community energy,

  • regional food systems,

  • zero waste,

  • efficient, affordable, and lasting housing,

  • public transportation,

  • and ecosystem restoration solutions.

Shared leadership fosters community wellbeing and results in the most innovative solutions to our climate & social crisis.


Frontline communities must be at the forefront of shaping new economies and a new climate adaptive society rooted in fairness, equity, and ecological values.


Frontline Communities

Frontline communities have different barriers to engage in climate change, with the tools and opportunities to participate and be informed on conversations regarding local issues to provide local solutions.

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Air Quality

Living near high volume roadways and freeways and industrial areas increases exposure to a mixture of air pollutants, including diesel exhaust. Fine particulate matter can cause asthma attacks in children, in addition to impaired lung function, premature death and death from cardiovascular diseases and cardiovascular morbidity.


Climate Resilience

Frontline communities have different barriers to engage in climate change, with the tools and opportunities to participate and be informed on conversations regarding local issues to provide local solutions.


Sea Level Rise

The intensifying effects of climate change pose a clear threat to the health and well-being of Bay Area residents. This is particularly true for communities that experience health inequities—the systemic and unjust disparities in health outcomes that exist by race, income, neighborhood, language, immigration status, and other factors.

Upcoming Events and Announcements
San Bruno Community Workshop: Addressing Flood & Weather-related Issues in Belle Air - Thursday October 24, 2024, from 6:00-7:30 pm 

Dear residents of San Bruno, please join us Thursday October 24 at 6 pm at Belle Air Elementary School to hear important updates on flood & weather challenges and be part of preparation efforts for the upcoming winter. Rise South City is partnering with Climate Resilient Communities, and OneShoreline to host this workshop. We will share findings from local conversations, learn from your experiences and concerns, and plan for this winter and beyond. Food and child care will be provided. We hope to see you there!

Taller por San Bruno: Inundaciones y El Clima que Afectan Belle Air - el Sabado, Noviembre 2, 2024 de 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Estimados residentes de San Bruno, únase a nosotros el sábado 2 de noviembre a las 10 a. m. en la escuela primaria Belle Air para escuchar actualizaciones importantes sobre los desafíos climáticos e inundaciones y ser parte de los esfuerzos de preparación para el próximo invierno.Rise South City se está asociando con Climate Resilient Communities y OneShoreline para organizar este taller.

Compartiremos los resultados de las conversaciones locales, aprenderemos de sus experiencias e inquietudes y haremos planes para este invierno y más allá. Se proporcionara cuidado de ninos y el almuerzo. ¡Esperamos verlos allí!

Interested in a Free Tree?

Help grow the urban forest of South San Francisco! The Parks and Recreation Department and Rise South City are giving away free trees to residents to plant in their front yards to help bolster the urban forest and combat climate change.

Benefits of trees for residents: â€‹

  • Property values are higher for homes with healthy trees​

  • Energy costs are reduced 

  • Trees have been proven to improve mental well-being 

  • Air quality is improved 

  • Trees reduce noise from vehicles and airplanes

Benefits of trees for the environment

  • Carbon sequestration 

  • Natural habitat 

  • Cooling effects be shading 

  • Reducing winds



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